地點 | HeyJune Studio (火炭)
材料 | HeyJune Studio 提供
贈送材料 | 軟筆一支、練習筆記1份, 亞加力膠板一塊
內容 | 熱身及介紹軟筆特性及用法, 示範及教學如何運用軟筆寫出大小楷書法字母, 設計作品, 課堂完結時會完成一塊亞加力膠板 .
In the lesson, you will learn.....
- Basic Soft Pen Calligraphy Techniques ( you will learn how to write both uppercase and lowercase )
- how to create your own Acrylic board (we will finish a Acrylic board with your favourite quote in the end of the lesson)
and you will get......
- A Brush Pen
- A Set of Calligraphy Notes
-An acrylic board
WELCOME TO BOOK PRIVATE CLASS ( *new timeslot is available for 3 ppl joinning together )
Brushlettering x acrylic board